Classes…………………………………………………………10:00 a.m. Worship…………………………………………………………..11:00 a.m. Wednesday: Class……………………………………………7:00 p.m. An unattended nursery – 2nd door West Hall of building
Hearing Assistance Devices
Hearing Assistance Devices are available upon request. Ask a member, and you will be taken care of.
Mar.15 $1947 $125 60
Mar.8 $4138 77
Mar. 1 $3124 79
The Door Stands Widely Open by Joe Barnett
There is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents. Luke 15:10
Ralph Connor, and Sky Pilot, tells of a young man who took to the road from a good home in Scotland and sashayed into his far country of sin and shame.
As he lay dying an early death due to his debauchery, he read a letter from his mother that had come that day. It ended: “And oh! Davie laddie, if ever your heart should turn homeward, remember the door stands widely open.”
That is the touching message of the Parable of the Prodigal Son. The loving Father keeps the door widely open, and angels gather to welcome the prodigal who repents and returns joyfully.
Never too bad, never too old, never too late to change.
Joe Barnett’s website:
1628 Broadway
P.O. Box 3835
Galveston, TX 77552
(409) 762-5566
March 22, 2020
Allen C. Isbell
Larry Smith
Come Before Winter (Mariana Long)
Mike & Hope Zuniga (San Angelo, TX)
Church of Christ Disaster Relief
Gospel Chariot Ministries
SIBI Solar Ministry
Sunny Glen Children’s Home
Brazilian Children’s Home
Foster’s Home
Changes brought on by Coronavirus!
There will be no church services (Sunday, Wednesday, or Tuesday Ladies Class) for the next two (2) weeks. At that time, the situation will be reassessed. Save your contributions until services resume.
This bulletin was prepared earlier in the week. There will not be others until the church services resume. However, any important announcements will be on the website.
The sermon Larry Smith planned to deliver this Sunday morning will be on the website. The title is: “Our God is a Mighty Fortress” Psalm 18:2.
Keep in Prayer!
Pecos Golligher, the husband of Dean’s niece Carol, is hospitalized following heart surgery.
Nancy Bailey, the former member, is now in a nursing home in Amarillo, TX. Send a card or note to: Nancy Bailey c/o The Ware at Park Central, 1510 S.Van Buren, Rm. #112, Amarillo, TX 79101
Dean Knox fell last Tuesday, requiring treatment through the UTMB emergency room. He is at home recovering.
June Hardin is now receiving hospice care at home. Send Jim your notes, your calls, and, most of all, your prayers. 764 Marlin, Bayou Vista, TX 77563
Phone: 409-933-9891
News from Margaret!
We encourage you to send cards and to phone Margaret Winters. To call, allow for two rings, hang-up, and call again. Phone: 409-744-5114. Your call will lift her spirit to hear from you.
Note from Mariana Long!
It is with a heavy heart that I have changed plans for my stay in Northern Ireland. At this time, I have delayed my flight until a later time – knowing it might need to be delayed or canceled altogether.
I have been in constant communication with the Christians in Coleraine, and their world has “closed down,” just as we have here in the USA. So what I had planned would be impossible to accomplish there. Perhaps in the fall, things will be different. All of us are on a “wait and see” schedule, so that is where I am at this time.
We must pray for the Christians the world over who do not have the same capabilities we have to communicate and encourage one another. Hopefully, this situation will soon pass . . . in the meantime, may we be patient and loving toward one another and be obedient to the powers that be.
I so appreciate and love you all, Mariana Long.
Visitors for March 15, 2020
- Beth Glenn: Winnie, TX (Spencer Glenn’s mother)
- Robert & Pam House: Excelsior Springs, MO
- Zosia Bredthauer: Temple, TX
Love to All and most importantly:
Be Safe