April 19, 2020
What an exhausting few weeks we have experienced here in San Angelo and the Concho Valley with this COVID-19. We have not met as an assemble church group precisely because of this pandemic that has overwhelmed the world! I am sure our numbers reported to you will reflect the end result of our work and ministry for this quarter. What’s more important is OUR FIDELITY to our Lord and Savoir?!
Our average attendance for the first quarter of the year was 33 per Sunday, we’re holding our own. Our two highest Sunday attendance were 59 and 47, very encouraging attendances. The first Sunday of February, 02/20 was highlighted by us honoring Jim and Sharon Murphy on their retirement from ministry and our first Sunday luncheon. We were happy for Jim and Sharon being acknowledged for fifty-two years in Ministry, with some twenty-three years with Northside. It was a great occasion for those of us present, love and great appreciation were expressed to Jim and Sharon.
On March 15, I had the opportunity to speak at Northside, I was encouraged by the positive comments from our church family.
As of March 22, we’ve had to cancel church services due to the pandemic at hand. However, that did not kept us from encouraging each other as we took to the Internet, phone and a weekly church newsletter. We are presently meeting in our home, Hope, Sam, Mary Holland (started visiting us a while back, she is with Good-fellow Air Force Base), and I, we have Communion and a Meal following with good Fellowship. This has given us some time to get to know Mary closer and Sam to participate with us which Hope and I are trilled. Northside is offering individual wafer and juice containers for us to partake of Communion. Small groups of ten or less meet on Sundays, like what we are doing. We’ll continue until further notice from our city authorities giving us the green light for us to reconvene as a church group.
Obviously, the Spring classes at SBI (Southwest Bible Institute) were suspended until further notice.
What, we are doing, Hope and I, in the mean time, is running errands for some of our shut-ins church members. We have a dear friend, Elsie Lara who is in the hospital with kidney failure, can not have any family member to see her, Hope calls her and made a floral arrangement which I took to the hospital and they (medical personnel) in turn delivered to Elsie’s room. Please, keep Elsie Lara in your prayers, please. We sure are using the phone a lot.
We acknowledge your prayers, support and encouragement. Thank you for your kindness and love. With love and appreciation. Miguel & Hope Zuñiga, San Angelo, TX.