Weekly Bulletin March 15, 2020

Classes………………………………………………………..10:00 a.m. Worship……………………………………………………….11:00 a.m.

Wednesday Class…………………………………………….7:00 p.m.                 An unattended nursery – 2nd door West Hall of building

Hearing Assistance Devices                                                                                  Hearing Assistance Devices are available upon request.                                     Ask a member, and you will receive a hearing device.

DATE                  REGULAR            MISSIONS        ATTENDANCE

Mar.8                  $4138                                                          77

March 1             $3124                                                          79

Feb.23               $3205                                                           81

Cheer Up by Joe Barnett

Being cheerful keeps you healthy.  Proverbs 17:22

In an analysis of 229,391 participants, Cardiologist Dr. Allan Rozanski and colleagues found that optimists were much less likely to have a heart attack than pessimists and had a lower mortality rate from any cause.          Health columnist Jane Brody suggests assessing your level of optimism based on how strongly you agree with these statements:                                  In uncertain times, I usually expect the best.                                                              I’m always optimistic about my future.                                                                        Overall, I expect more good things to happen than bad.                                        She suggests assessing your degree of pessimism by how you identify with these statements:                                                                                                          I hardly ever expect things to go my way.                                                                      I rarely count on good things happening to me.                                                      If something can go wrong for me, it will.                                                                    “Being cheerful keeps you healthy.  It is slow death to be gloomy all the time” (Proverbs 17:22).                                                                                                        Optimism is contagious.  Be a carrier.

Joe Barnett’s website:  www.pathwayco.com



 1628 Broadway

P.O. Box 3835

Galveston, TX 77552

(409) 762-5566



March 15, 2020

                                                                Ministers                                                                                                                               Allen C. Isbell                                                          Larry Smith

 Missions                                                                                                                               Come Before Winter (Mariana Long)                                                                              Mike & Hope Zuniga (San Angelo, TX)                                                                          Church of Christ Disaster Relief                                                                                      Gospel Chariot Ministries                                                                                                      SIBI Solar Ministry                                                                                                                    Sunny Glen Children’s Home                                                                                          Brazilian Children’s Home                                                                                                    Foster’s Home

 Welcome Visitors!                                                                                                                    Members, Give our visitors a great big Broadway welcome.                                Visitors, we encourage you to fill out a visitor card and put it in the collection plate. We appreciate your visit.                                                           Today’s Sermon: Allen’s sermon title: “What We Mean to the Lord.”           The Adult Class:  Bill Nunnally will teach the adult class.                             Wednesday Evening Class:  7:00 p.m. “Getting Beyond the Fears that Hold You Back,” taught by Larry Smith

 Keep in Prayer!                                                                                                   Velma Williams is still at home recovering from her recent eye surgery.  She sends her love to all.                                                                                               Pecos Golligher, the husband of Dean’s niece Carol, is hospitalized following heart surgery.  The family requests your prayers.                     Nancy Bailey, a former member, is now in a nursing home in Amarillo, TX.   Nancy has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease.                                             Nancy misses everyone and loves your notes and cards.                                      Address: c/o The Ware at Park Central,                                                                                                    1510 S. Van Buren, Rm. #112,                                                                                              Amarillo, TX 79101

 Thank You!                                                                                                                                 “Mikey and I thank you for remembering our 43rd anniversary with this church.                                                                                                                                     The gifts and well-wishes are so encouraging, especially your love for all these years.                                                                                                                          Special thanks to the Ladies Bible Class, who worked so hard in making the meal last Sunday and the event so memorable.”     Allen and Mikey


News from Margaret!

The Gulf Coast Care Center is now prohibiting visitors from accessing the facility. This practice is a preventive measure to safeguard the residents from the coronavirus.

Unfortunately, it affects our member, Margaret Winters.                                   We encourage you to send cards and to phone her.                                     When you call, allow for two rings, then hang-up, and call again.

Phone:  409-744-5114.  Your call will certainly lift Margaret’s spirit to hear from you.

Member News!

Fenton Mack Wood, Joan Mertens, grandson, is the new associate director of the Bands at Illinois State University.  He’s completing a Ph.D. in music at the University of Miami. Some of you may remember that he began his career as the drum major for the Texas University Longhorn Band.

Linda Stevens is on a road trip for the next days.                                                   She wants everyone to know that the journey to Ireland was canceled.  The cancellation was due to the coronavirus.                                                         Linda is very disappointed and hopes to travel to Ireland at another time.

Updated Directory!

We’ve updated the directory from the information you have provided. Mikey has the printed copies here today.                                                Please see Mikey for your copy.                                                                                        If you would like a digital copy for your computer, Mikey can send you one.

There are two mistakes in the directory.  Please correct your copy.   Andrea Masters should read Masterson                                                                         Carla and Brian McLaughlin’s phone should be                                                        409-750-2784, not 790

 Visitors for March 8, 2020,                                                                                            Jeff & Dawn Bone: Texarkana, TX “Congratulations to Allen & Mikey for 43 years at Broadway.  We are blessed to know the church family on Galveston Isle.”

Dale & Sherry Cline:  North Richlands Hills, TX

Glenda Sharp:  Houston, TX

Zosia Bredthauer:  Temple, TX


Do You Know These Hymns?

The Dentist’s Hymn……Crown Him With Many Crowns

The IRS Agent’s Hymn……I Surrender All

The Electrician’s Hymn……Send the Light

The Tailor’s Hymn………….Holy, Holy, Holy

Weatherman’s Hymn…There Shall Be Showers of Blessings